转载 | 岸边集装箱起重机前大梁多箱位空中加长技术方案 | 港口科技

为满足各大港口企业改造岸边集装箱起重机前大梁的需求,使改造后的前大梁可以满足最新超大型集装箱船的作业要求,研发前大梁加长核心装置。该装置主要由固定式悬臂吊、空中移动平台、横向移动小车等组成,可以实现在空中对前大梁进行多箱位加长,加长长度能达到6 m。通过数学建模和有限元分析方法,对加长后的前大梁结构进行分析,提出增加背弓结构的方案,可以有效改善前大梁加长后的结构刚度和强度。以前伸距65 m的前大梁为例,通过对比加长前后的钢丝绳拉力和电机功率,证明前伸距加长对俯仰系统的影响是可控的。利用前大梁加长核心装置可以帮助更多的港口企业完成前大梁的加长改造,并在一定程度上缩短施工周期、降低施工成本。

In order to meet the needs of major port companies in transforming the front girder of shore container cranes so that the transformed front girder can meet the operating requirements of the latest ultra-large container ships, a core device for lengthening the front girder was developed. The device is mainly composed of a fixed cantilever crane, an aerial mobile platform, a transverse mobile trolley, etc. It can realize the multi-box lengthening of the front girder in the air, and the length can reach 6 m. Through mathematical modeling and finite element analysis methods, the lengthened front girder structure was analyzed, and a plan to increase the back arch structure was proposed, which can effectively improve the structural stiffness and strength of the lengthened front girder. Taking the front girder with a forward reach of 65 m as an example, by comparing the wire rope tension and motor power before and after the extension, it is proved that the impact of extended forward reach on the pitch system is controllable. The use of the front girder lengthening core device can help more port companies complete the lengthening and transformation of the front girder, and to a certain extent shorten the construction period and reduce construction costs.

岸边集装箱起重机(以下简称“岸桥”)是一种在港口码头岸边对船舶上装载的集装箱进行装卸的专业设备,其装卸能力和速度对港口作业效率有直接影响。近年来,随着全球经济一体化程度不断加深,货物运输量不断增加,超大型集装箱船队规模也在蓬勃发展。继3E型18 000 TEU集装箱船之后,3E Plus型集装箱船也在不断地刷新载箱量记录。2021年12月29日,全球最大的24 000 TEU集装箱船顺利出坞,船长399.9 m,型宽61.5 m,标志着集装箱船上的堆放高度和宽度达到一个新的里程碑。
Shore container crane (hereinafter referred to as “quay crane”) is a professional equipment for loading and unloading containers loaded on ships on the shore of the port terminal. Its loading and unloading capacity and speed have a direct impact on the efficiency of port operations. In recent years, with the deepening of global economic integration and the increasing volume of cargo transportation, the size of the ultra-large container fleet is also booming. Following the 3E 18,000 TEU container ship, the 3E Plus container ship is also constantly setting new container capacity records. On December 29, 2021, the world’s largest 24,000 TEU container ship was successfully undocked, with a length of 399.9 m and a width of 61.5 m, marking a new milestone in the stacking height and width of container ships.
目前,广泛使用的超巴拿马型岸桥前伸距一般在50~65 m,受前伸距限制,不能完全满足最新超大型集装箱船的作业要求,世界各大港口企业的岸桥都面临着更新换代。[2] 对多数港口企业而言,采购新的岸桥是沉重的负担,从采购计划立项到新岸桥投产使用,周期通常在2 a以上。同时,处理港口企业现有的岸桥也极为困难,拆除成本非常高昂,若闲置岸桥则会占用大片场地。因此,经综合考虑后,加长现有岸桥前伸距是多数港口企业的首选方案。
At present, the widely used post-Panamax quay cranes generally have a reach of 50 to 65 m. Due to the limitation of the reach, they cannot fully meet the operating requirements of the latest ultra-large container ships. The quay cranes of major port companies in the world are facing the need to update Replacement. [2] For most port enterprises, purchasing a new quay crane is a heavy burden. From the establishment of the procurement plan to the putting into operation of the new quay crane, the cycle is usually more than 2 years. At the same time, it is extremely difficult to deal with the existing quayside cranes of port enterprises, and the cost of dismantling them is very high. If the quayside cranes are left idle, they will occupy a large area of ​​land. Therefore, after comprehensive consideration, lengthening the forward reach of the existing quay crane is the preferred solution for most port enterprises.
The traditional method of lengthening the front reach is to use large lifting equipment such as floating cranes to lift the front girder to the ground for modification. The operation is difficult and the modification period is long. In order to meet market demand, Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industry has developed multi-container aerial lengthening technology and its core device with independent intellectual property rights. It has been successfully applied in many domestic and foreign ports such as Guangzhou Port in China and Algeciras Port in Spain.
前大梁空中加长方案 Front beam aerial lengthening plan
1.1 问题描述 1.1 Problem description
The quay crane structure is mainly composed of front girders, rear girders, door frames and other structures. The rear beam and door frame are static structures and their positions are fixed. The front girder is a dynamic structure, and its position can be switched between a raised state and a flat state. This design is to meet the ship-giving conditions at the dock site.
岸桥俯仰系统的功能就是完成前大梁位置的切换。为了避免前大梁的加长对岸桥俯仰系统造成破坏,可以选取前大梁头部悬臂端作为安装加长段的位置。前大梁头部悬臂端位于海面上方,距离码头岸边的高度在50 m以上。在传统的前大梁加长方案中,须利用浮吊等大型起重设备将前大梁吊至码头面上进行改造。
The function of the quay crane pitching system is to switch the position of the front girder. In order to prevent the lengthening of the front girder from causing damage to the pitching system of the quayside bridge, the cantilever end of the head of the front girder can be selected as the location for installing the extension section. The cantilever end of the front girder head is located above the sea surface, and the height from the shore of the pier is more than 50 m. In the traditional front girder lengthening plan, large lifting equipment such as floating cranes must be used to lift the front girder to the dock surface for modification.
1.2 加长核心装置组成 1.2 Composition of lengthened core device
The extended core device is mainly composed of a fixed cantilever crane, an aerial mobile platform, and a transverse mobile trolley. The composition of the extended core device is shown in Figure 1.

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固定式悬臂吊安装于前大梁上方,左右各1个,通过悬臂吊上的单轨小车,可以将割下的端部前大梁结构段向海侧方向平移6 m。
Fixed cantilever cranes are installed above the front girder, one on each side. Through the monorail trolley on the cantilever crane, the cut end front girder structure section can be translated 6 m toward the seaside.
The aerial mobile platform is mainly composed of an upper wheel set structure and a lower platform frame structure. The upper wheel set structure is placed on the quayside crane trolley track. There are 3 sets of front and rear wheels, a total of 6 wheels. They are connected to the quayside crane trolley by connecting rods and can move forward and backward with the quayside crane trolley. A simple track is set up on the lower platform frame, and railings are installed around it. The platform is both a load-bearing structure and a working platform when the extension section is installed.
The horizontally moving trolley is installed on a simple track, and a hand chain hoist can be used to move left and right. Anti-sliding blocks are installed at both ends of the track to prevent the trolley from moving to the extreme position and leaving the track. Jacks and sleepers are installed on the mobile trolley, and the extended section structure is fixed above. The jack can be used to adjust the extended section in the vertical direction.
The position adjustment of the extended section structure can be completed by the cooperation of the mobile platform, transverse moving trolley and jack. Precise alignment before welding can ensure the straightness of the extended front girder.
All components of the extended core device adopt a modular design and can be loaded into containers and transported to construction sites around the world, effectively improving transshipment efficiency and reducing transportation costs.
1.3 前大梁空中加长实施步骤 1.3 Implementation steps of air lengthening of front beam
1.3.1 安装固定式悬臂吊 1.3.1 Installation of fixed cantilever crane
The fixed cantilever crane mainly consists of columns, beams, cables and monorail trolleys. These components are hoisted to the quay crane trolley through the maintenance crane in the machine room, transported to the front girder, and installed on the front girder. The composition of the fixed cantilever crane is shown in Figure 2.

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1.3.2 安装空中移动平台 1.3.2 Installation of aerial mobile platform
The aerial mobile platform is divided into an upper wheel set structure and a lower platform frame structure. The upper wheel set structure consists of 3 sets of wheels. The three sets of wheels are hoisted to the trolley track in sequence using a truck crane and arranged at designated positions according to the designed spacing. The lower platform frame structure is divided into three sections, and flange bolts are used to connect the three sections. The work of assembling the lower platform frame structure and installing the platform railings is completed on the ground. It adopts a flange bolt structure and uses a truck crane to lift the lower platform frame structure as a whole, and complete the docking and installation work between the upper and lower structures of the mobile platform in the air. The composition of the aerial mobile platform is shown in Figure 3.

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A connecting rod is installed between the aerial mobile platform and the quayside crane trolley so that the platform can move forward and backward with the quayside crane trolley.
1.3.3 前大梁加长段吊装位置 1.3.3 Hoisting position of the extended section of the front girder
利用汽车吊将横向移动小车、千斤顶、枕木、伸缩工艺撑、4根3 m长的加长段吊装至移动平台上。移动小车安装在简易轨道上,在移动小车上依次安装千斤顶和枕木,加长段结构放置于枕木上方。所有结构和工装做好固定措施,防止平台移动时滑落。前大梁加长段吊装位置见图4。
Use a truck crane to hoist the transverse mobile trolley, jacks, sleepers, telescopic craft supports, and four 3 m long extensions to the mobile platform. The mobile trolley is installed on a simple track. Jacks and sleepers are installed on the mobile trolley in sequence, and the extended structure is placed above the sleepers. All structures and tooling should be fixed to prevent the platform from slipping when it moves. See Figure 4 for the lifting position of the extended section of the front girder.

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Anti-sliding blocks are welded at both ends of the simple track to prevent the mobile car from leaving the track when it reaches the extreme position. At the same time, pull ears, hand chain hoists and steel wire ropes are installed at both ends of the simple track to move the extended section structure in the left and right directions.
1.3.4 前大梁加长段安装位置 1.3.4 Installation location of the front girder extension
悬臂吊上的单轨小车移动到前大梁头部,与待切割的前大梁梁体做好连接固定。用半自动火焰切割装置断开前大梁,移动单轨小车将头部梁体前移3.2 m,留出加长段安装位置。前大梁加长段安装位置见图5。
The monorail trolley on the cantilever crane moves to the head of the front girder and is connected and fixed with the front girder body to be cut. Use a semi-automatic flame cutting device to disconnect the front girder, and use a mobile monorail car to move the head girder forward 3.2 m, leaving room for the extension section to be installed. See Figure 5 for the installation location of the front girder extension.
1.3.5 安装前大梁加长段 1.3.5 Install the front girder extension
横向移动小车将第1段3 m长的加长段结构移动到指定位置,并根据后部大梁的位置进行调整,调整到位后与后部大梁对位焊接。
The horizontally moving trolley moves the 3 m long extension structure of the first section to the designated position, and adjusts it according to the position of the rear girder. After the adjustment is in place, it is aligned and welded with the rear girder.
移动平台前移并添加第2段3 m长的加长段结构,调整到位后与第1段加长段和头部梁体对位焊接。前大梁加长段安装示意图见图6。
The mobile platform is moved forward and the second 3 m long extension structure is added. After being adjusted in place, it is aligned and welded with the first extension section and the head beam body. The installation diagram of the extended section of the front frame is shown in Figure 6.
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1.3.6 完成前大梁结构的加长 1.3.6 Complete the lengthening of the front girder structure
Install accessories such as trolley tracks, track pads, and track pressure plates on the extended section structure, and install back bows near the pulling points of the front row tie rods. Remove the fixed cantilever crane, mobile platform and other tooling equipment, restore the positions of the quayside crane trolley and the quayside crane bracket trolley, and complete the lengthening of the front girder structure.
前大梁加长后俯仰系统校核 Front girder lengthened and rear pitch system checked
The pitching system mainly consists of a pitching mechanism and a wire rope winding system, which allows the front beam to switch between raising and leveling modes. The pitch mechanism is mainly composed of motor, coupling, brake, reduction box, reel, etc. The wire rope winding system mainly consists of the front beam pulley block, the ladder frame pulley block and the wire rope.
The wire rope passes through multiple sets of pulleys located on the top of the front girder and ladder frame. The rope end is fixed on the pitch drum. The hinge point of the girder is used as the fixed fulcrum, and the pulley set on the front girder is the focus point. The pitch motor drives the drum to rotate, collect or release. Wire rope to raise or level the front beam. The pitch system layout is shown in Figure 7.

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2.1 钢丝绳安全因数校核 2.1 Safety factor check of steel wire rope
The safety factor of the wire rope refers to the ratio of the minimum breaking tension of the wire rope to the load tension of the wire rope. In order to ensure the safe and reliable operation of steel wire ropes, the design specifications of various countries have clear regulations on the safety factors of steel wire ropes. For different work levels, the safety factors of wire ropes are also different. The commonly used working level of the pitch system is M6. According to the requirements of the “Crane Design Code”, the safety factor of the moving wire rope corresponding to M6 must be no less than 5.6. The modified quay crane must also follow this principle.
The tension of the pitching wire rope is related to the center of gravity position of the front girder, the mass of the front girder, the position of the pulley fulcrum, etc. The extended section of the front girder is located on the sea side of the front pulley block, and the position of the pulley fulcrum has not changed. However, the lengthening of the front girder causes the center of gravity of the front girder to move forward and increase the mass, and the corresponding wire rope tension also increases.
常用的俯仰钢丝绳拉力计算公式为 The commonly used calculation formula for pitching wire rope tension is:

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In the formula: F is the wire rope tension, t; ηR is the winding system efficiency; G is the equivalent mass of the front girder, t; Lm is the equivalent center of gravity of the front girder, m; n1 is the rear wire rope magnification; n2 is the front wire rope magnification; L1 is The front wire rope moment arm, m; L2 is the rear wire rope moment arm, m.
加长段结构位于前大梁头部的悬臂端,并未改变缠绕系统的形态。从式(1)可以看出,加长后前大梁质量和重心的变化是引起钢丝绳拉力变化的主要因素。以常规双箱梁结构、前伸距65 m的前大梁为例,分析比对前大梁加长6 m前后的钢丝绳拉力变化。钢丝绳缠绕系统示意图见图8。俯仰钢丝绳拉力计算参数见表1。
The extended section structure is located at the cantilever end of the front frame head and does not change the shape of the winding system. It can be seen from equation (1) that the changes in the mass and center of gravity of the front girder after lengthening are the main factors causing changes in the wire rope tension. Taking a conventional double box girder structure and a front girder with a forward extension of 65 m as an example, the changes in wire rope tension before and after the front girder is lengthened by 6 m are analyzed and compared. The schematic diagram of the wire rope winding system is shown in Figure 8. The calculation parameters of the pitching wire rope tension are shown in Table 1.

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根据表1数据,经计算,加长前钢丝绳拉力F为15.58 t,加长后钢丝绳拉力F为17.51 t,变化是非常明显的。
According to the data in Table 1, it is calculated that the tension F of the steel wire rope before lengthening is 15.58 t, and the tension F of the steel wire rope after lengthening is 17.51 ​​t. The change is very obvious.
To determine whether the existing pitching wire rope on the quay crane can continue to be used, you need to check the minimum breaking tension of the wire rope. Use the ratio of the breaking tension to the lengthened wire rope tension to check the safety factor. If the safety factor is less than 5.6, the existing pitching wire rope must be replaced.
The nominal tensile strength of the steel wire rope refers to the stress corresponding to the maximum test tension of the steel wire rope during the tensile test. For steel wire ropes of the same diameter, the greater the nominal tensile strength, the greater the corresponding minimum breaking tension. In order to avoid changes in the pitching drum due to the replacement of the pitching wire rope, the principle of keeping the diameter unchanged when selecting a new wire rope should be followed, and a greater breaking tensile force should be obtained by increasing the nominal tensile strength of the wire rope to meet the specifications. required safety factor.
2.2 俯仰电机功率校核 2.2 Pitch motor power calibration
常用的俯仰电机功率计算公式为 The commonly used calculation formula for pitch motor power is:

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In the formula: Pe is the rated power, kW; PM is the maximum dynamic power, kW; λ is the motor overload factor, λ takes a common value of 1.6; PS is the maximum static power, kW; Pa is the acceleration power, kW; F is the wire rope tension, t; v is the wire rope speed, m/s; etaR is the winding system efficiency; etaB is the pitching system efficiency; I is the rotational inertia of the pitching mechanism, kg·m2; n is the motor speed, r/min; t is the acceleration time, s.
从上述公式可以看出,钢丝绳拉力的变化是引起电机功率变化的主要因素。以常规双箱梁结构、前伸距65 m的前大梁为例,根据前文计算的钢丝绳拉力,校核前大梁加长6 m后的俯仰电机功率。最大静态功率PS计算参数见表2。加速功率Pa计算参数见表3。
It can be seen from the above formula that the change in wire rope tension is the main factor causing the change in motor power. Taking the conventional double box girder structure and the front girder with a forward reach of 65 m as an example, based on the wire rope tension calculated previously, the pitch motor power after the front girder is lengthened by 6 m is checked. The maximum static power PS calculation parameters are shown in Table 2. The calculation parameters of acceleration power Pa are shown in Table 3.

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根据表2、表3数据,经计算可得加长前俯仰电机额定功率Pe为260.43 kW,加长后俯仰电机额定功率Pe为290.51 kW,加长后的俯仰电机额定功率明显变大。
According to the data in Table 2 and Table 3, it can be calculated that the rated power Pe of the extended front pitch motor is 260.43 kW, and the rated power Pe of the extended pitch motor is 290.51 kW. The rated power Pe of the extended pitch motor becomes significantly larger.
The motor overload factor λ is the ratio of the motor’s maximum torque to its rated torque. The commonly used quay crane pitching motor is a three-phase asynchronous motor, and its overload factor is generally 1.6 to 2.2.
在电机厂家同意的情况下,可以采用提高电机过载因数的方法重新校核电机额定功率。将电机过载因数λ由1.6提到至1.8,根据表2、表3数据重新计算可得加长后俯仰电机额定功率Pe为258.23 kW,并没有超出加长前电机额定功率260.43 kW,原电机可以继续使用。
With the consent of the motor manufacturer, the motor rated power can be rechecked by increasing the motor overload factor. Raise the motor overload factor λ from 1.6 to 1.8, and recalculate according to the data in Table 2 and Table 3. The rated power Pe of the extended pitch motor is 258.23 kW, which does not exceed the rated power Pe of the extended motor of 260.43 kW. The original motor can continue to be used. .
前大梁加长后结构加强方案及刚度和强度分析 Structural strengthening plan and stiffness and strength analysis after the front girder is lengthened
3.1 增加背弓结构 3.1 Increase the back arch structure
Structural stiffness refers to the ability of the structure body to resist deformation under the action of external loads. The free end of the front girder will deflect under load. The degree of deflection is an external manifestation of the structural stiffness of the free end.
前大梁加长6 m后,头部悬臂端长度大幅增加,应力和下挠变形程度也显著增加,严重时会导致结构的变形开裂。为避免出现这种极端情况,可以在前排拉杆附近增加背弓结构,有效解决前大梁多箱位加长后悬臂端的强度和变形问题。背弓结构可以有效地将部分载荷传递至拉杆内侧的梁体上,从而减少自由端的应力和大梁头部的下挠程度,增强结构刚度。背弓结构安装位置见图9。
After the front girder is lengthened by 6 m, the length of the cantilever end of the head is greatly increased, and the degree of stress and downward deflection deformation is also significantly increased. In severe cases, it may cause deformation and cracking of the structure. In order to avoid this extreme situation, a back arch structure can be added near the front tie rod to effectively solve the problem of strength and deformation of the rear cantilever end of the multi-box lengthened front girder. The back arch structure can effectively transfer part of the load to the beam body inside the tie rod, thereby reducing the stress on the free end and the downward deflection of the beam head, and enhancing the structural rigidity. See Figure 9 for the installation location of the back arch structure.

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3.2 增加背弓结构后前大梁结构刚度分析 3.2 Structural stiffness analysis of the rear and front girders after adding the back arch structure
Since the structure of the front girder of the quayside bridge is relatively complex, the structural analysis function in ANSYS finite element analysis software can be used to intuitively simulate the degree of deflection of each position of the front girder structure under different loads.
以双箱梁结构的前大梁为例,在前伸距位置加载65 t载荷,用ANSYS有限元分析软件中的结构分析功能模拟前大梁头部的下挠程度。前大梁头部下挠程度模拟图见图10。
Taking the front girder of a double box girder structure as an example, a load of 65 t is loaded at the forward reach position, and the structural analysis function in the ANSYS finite element analysis software is used to simulate the downward deflection of the front girder head. The simulation diagram of the downward deflection of the front frame head is shown in Figure 10.

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从图10可以看出:增加背弓结构前,额定载荷下前大梁头部的最大下挠值为381 mm;增加背弓结构后,额定载荷下前大梁头部的最大下挠值为330 mm。增加背弓结构后,前大梁头部的最大下挠值明显减小,证明了背弓结构对改善前大梁的结构刚度是有帮助的。
It can be seen from Figure 10 that before the back arch structure is added, the maximum downward deflection value of the front girder head under rated load is 381 mm; after the back arch structure is added, the maximum downward deflection value of the front girder head under rated load is 330 mm. . After adding the back arch structure, the maximum deflection value of the front girder head is significantly reduced, which proves that the back arch structure is helpful in improving the structural stiffness of the front girder.
3.3 增加背弓结构后前大梁结构强度分析 3.3 Structural strength analysis of the rear and front beams after adding the back arch structure
The forward reach of the quay crane is located at the cantilever end of the front girder, and the structural strength at this location is closely related to the length of the cantilever end. As the length of the cantilever end increases, the structural stress at the forward reach position will also increase significantly. One of the main functions of increasing the back arch structure is to reduce the structural stress at the forward reach position and ensure that the strength of the lengthened front girder meets relevant design specifications.
以常规双箱梁结构、额定载荷65 t的前大梁为例,运用ANSYS有限元分析软件分析前伸距位置的结构应力。前伸距位置结构应力模拟图见图11。
Taking a conventional double box girder structure and a front girder with a rated load of 65 t as an example, ANSYS finite element analysis software was used to analyze the structural stress at the forward reach position. The structural stress simulation diagram at the forward reach position is shown in Figure 11.

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从图11可以看出:增加背弓结构前,前伸距位置的最大应力值为359.56 MPa;增加背弓结构后,前伸距位置的最大应力值为271.11 MPa。增加背弓结构后,前伸距位置的最大应力值明显减小,证明了增加背弓结构可以有效提高前大梁结构的强度。
It can be seen from Figure 11 that before adding the back arch structure, the maximum stress value at the forward reach position is 359.56 MPa; after adding the back arch structure, the maximum stress value at the forward reach position is 271.11 MPa. After adding the back arch structure, the maximum stress value at the forward reach position is significantly reduced, which proves that adding the back arch structure can effectively improve the strength of the front girder structure.
The application of the front girder multi-box aerial lengthening technical solution can significantly reduce the construction period and construction costs at the port site. The on-site construction team does not need to lay a large number of temporary tracks on the pier and rent moving equipment to move the quay crane. The construction team only needs to rent an ordinary truck crane to complete the lifting and assembly of the extended core device and the installation of the extended section.
2019年,前大梁多箱位空中加长技术方案在广州港南沙港区岸桥项目上首次应用,现场完成第1台岸桥前大梁空中加长的施工周期仅为20 d。若采用传统的前大梁加长方案,现场单台岸桥的施工周期至少需要45 d。同时,前大梁多箱位空中加长技术方案的施工成本也仅为传统方案的60%左右。广州港南沙港区岸桥空中加长施工现场见图12。
In 2019, the technical solution for the multi-box aerial lengthening of the front girder was applied for the first time on the quayside bridge project in the Nansha Port area of ​​Guangzhou Port. The construction period for the on-site completion of the aerial lengthening of the front girder of the first quayside bridge was only 20 days. If the traditional front girder lengthening scheme is adopted, the construction period of a single quay crane on site will take at least 45 days. At the same time, the construction cost of the front girder multi-box aerial lengthening technical solution is only about 60% of the traditional solution. The construction site of the aerial extension of the quayside bridge in Nansha Port Area of ​​Guangzhou Port is shown in Figure 12.

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The lengthening core device is the key to the multi-box aerial lengthening technical solution for the front girder. This device can be used to lengthen the front girder in the air. At the same time, installing a back arch structure near the front tie rod can effectively solve the problem of strength and stiffness of the rear cantilever end of the multi-box lengthened front girder. The front girder multi-box aerial lengthening technical solution has been successfully applied in many ports at home and abroad, such as the Port of Guangzhou in China and the Port of Algeciras in Spain, and has achieved remarkable results in shortening the construction period and reducing construction costs.
文章发于《港口科技》2022年第11期; The article was published in “Port Technology” Issue 11, 2022;
Original title: Technical solution for multi-container aerial lengthening of front girder of quayside container crane

Author: Li Bo, Huang Bin; Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries (Group) Co., Ltd.

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