全淹没超细干粉灭火系统灭火浓度的正确取值The correct value of the fire extinguishing concentration of the fully submerged ultra-fine dry powder fire extinguishing system 



《消防设施通用规范》GB 55036-2022学习——悬挂式干粉灭火装置竟然被禁用?发布后,引发了较大的反响。
The previous article “General Code for Fire Protection Facilities” GB 55036-2022 Study – Suspended dry powder fire extinguishing device is actually banned? After the release, it caused a big response.

Some friends said that ultra-fine dry powder is not dry powder, hanging dry powder fire extinguishing device is not dry powder fire extinguishing device, dry powder fire extinguishing device is not dry powder fire extinguishing system… This can only be explained by “white horses are not horses”.

笔者也早在 “变电站电缆层自动灭火系统是否能采用悬挂式超细干粉灭火装置(1)——什么是超细干粉灭火装置”一文中论证了这些问题,不再赘述。
The author has also demonstrated these problems in the article “Whether the automatic fire extinguishing system of the substation cable layer can use the suspended ultra-fine dry powder fire extinguishing device (1) – what is the ultra-fine dry powder fire extinguishing device”, and will not repeat them.

Strictly speaking, there is no such fire-fighting product as “hanging ultra-fine dry powder automatic fire extinguishing device”, and the correct word is “hanging dry powder fire extinguishing device”. That is to say, the commonly known “hanging ultra-fine dry powder automatic fire extinguishing device” belongs to the hanging dry powder fire extinguishing device, and the hanging dry powder fire extinguishing device on the market uses ultra-fine dry powder fire extinguishing agent.

The fact that suspended dry powder fire extinguishing devices are prohibited by the general code for fire protection facilities is likely to be just an omission in the code. Because it is also a suspended fire extinguishing device, there is no requirement for a mechanical start mode for the gas fire extinguishing system. For details, see General Specification 8.0.10.

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全淹没超细干粉灭火系统灭火浓度的正确取值 The correct value of the fire extinguishing concentration of the fully submerged ultra-fine dry powder fire extinguishing system

消防救援行业标准《超细干粉灭火剂》XF 578-2023中,对于ABC超细干粉灭火剂,要求灭火效能小于或等于150g/m3
In the fire rescue industry standard “Ultrafine Dry Powder Fire Extinguishing Agent” XF 578-2023, for ABC ultrafine dry powder fire extinguishing agent, the fire extinguishing efficiency is required to be less than or equal to 150g/m 3 .

但一些地方标准或厂家宣传资料中,灭火效能值比行业标准低得多,有60kg/m3 、120kg/m3、130g/m3等。是否可执行地方标准?
However, in some local standards or manufacturers’ promotional materials, the fire extinguishing efficiency value is much lower than the industry standard, including 60kg/m, 120kg/m, 130g/m 3 3 3 , etc. Are local standards enforceable?

It is entirely possible that the manufacturer’s products are superior to the industry standard. However, there is no evidence for the air port, and there must be a type test inspection report as the basis.

The author checked the type test reports of some leading manufacturers, and the detection standard of fire extinguishing concentration is 150g/m 3 .

全淹没超细干粉灭火系统灭火浓度的正确取值The correct value of the fire extinguishing concentration of the fully submerged ultra-fine dry powder fire extinguishing system 

Therefore, if the fire extinguishing concentration is less than 150g/m 3 in the local standard, the fire extinguishing capacity is not guaranteed at all.

较权威的中国工程建设标准化协会《干粉灭火装置技术规程》CECS 322:2012和一些地方标准都规定,设计灭火浓度应不小于1.2倍经权威机构认证合格的灭火浓度,通常为1.2*150=180g/m3
The more authoritative China Engineering Construction Standardization Association “Technical Regulations for Dry Powder Fire Extinguishing Devices” CECS 322:2012 and some local standards all stipulate that the design fire extinguishing concentration should not be less than 1.2 times the fire extinguishing concentration certified by the authoritative organization, usually 1.2*150=180g/m 3 .

The author checked the total submerged fire extinguishing capacity advertised by some manufacturers, which is basically calculated according to the industry standard of 150g/m 3 , and the safety factor is generally increased by 1.2 times in the actual engineering design.


警钟长鸣 | 2024年1月事故汇总(火灾、高处作业、动火作业、粉尘爆炸等14起事故, 致58死25伤3失联)

2024-1-22 10:43:44


动火作业事故案例 |电焊/焊接作业安全培训PPT

2024-1-23 16:30:33

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